Home Fitness 7 Early Warning Signs of Cancer Women Shouldn’t Ignore

7 Early Warning Signs of Cancer Women Shouldn’t Ignore


Warning Signs of Cancer Women Shouldn’t Ignore

Sudden Weight Loss

A major early warning sign that should not be ignored is weight loss. The first sign of cancer is weight loss. Generally, this weight loss takes place without any other reason and if a reason cannot be found for the weight loss, it can be an early sign of cancer.

Loss of Appetite

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Loss of appetite is another sign that women should not ignore. Suddenly if women don’t feel hungry or do not want to feel like eating anything, it’s a sign that something is wrong with the health. Various types of cancers cause nausea, loss of appetite and even heartburn.

Pain in the Abdominal and Pelvic Area

Pain in the pelvic area and abdominal area is a sign of cancer that if it persists should not be ignored. This type of pain coupled with changes in bowel movements and even blood in the urine and stool can be a sign of cancer. Just the chronic pain can also be a sign of cancer that should not be ignored as it is an early sign.