Home Fitness 7 Early Warning Signs of Cancer Women Shouldn’t Ignore

7 Early Warning Signs of Cancer Women Shouldn’t Ignore


Warning Signs of Cancer Women Shouldn’t Ignore

Lots of Fatigue

Image Source: defactodentists

Fatigue is part of a hectic life and as women grow older, fatigue is very common. But fatigue resulting from cancer is different than the tiredness that we feel every day. This type of fatigue is constant fatigue and not just at the end of a stressful day. This cancer fatigue is chronic fatigue without stress or hard work.

Nausea and Stomach Pain

Nausea and stomach pain is an early warning sign for a range of different types of cancers including pancreatic cancer. Sustained pain in the stomach, indigestion, difficulty swallowing and even heartburn can all be signs of different cancers. However, these problems can be common for a range of different diseases and the right diagnosis is needed as it can be an early sign of cancer.

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