Home Health 7 Natural And Easy Ways To Get Rid Of Bad Breath

7 Natural And Easy Ways To Get Rid Of Bad Breath


Natural And Easy Ways To Get Rid Of Bad Breath

Cinnamon Chewing Sticks

The fact that cinnamon is known to have antimicrobial action needs no justification. Even though deep research is in the process, but cinnamon is known to have digestive and respiratory benefits since ages. Apart from that, it is even a proven remedy for oral infection-causing bacteria in some cases. Cinnamon Chewing Sticks are a great source of fiber which again leads to the support of microbial diversity in the mouth.

Green Tea

Who doesn’t love tea? It’s even more interesting that you can help yourself against bad breath with tea. Green tea is a great natural way to deal with bad breath owing to its antibacterial and deodorant action. With the consumption of around 3-5 cups a day, you can easily get rid of bad breath. One may even turn to take a polyphenol EGCG supplement.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera tops the list of natural anti-fungal and antibacterial plant extract. Given the task of reducing plaque, Aloe Vera has proved to be a competitor of chlorhexidine mouthwash. One can easily make an aloe Vera mouthwash by adding Aloe Vera gel to cool water after boiling it initially. To improve the healing of mouth, Aloe Vera is also great for the creation of collagen.

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