Home Lifestyle 10 Most Beautiful Islands in the World To Visit This Summer

10 Most Beautiful Islands in the World To Visit This Summer



Image Source: capri.com

The beautiful Italian island doesn’t fail to live up to the hype of its beauty. The point that attracts probably most of the visitors and the tourists are the blue grotto. It is a glowing sea cave where locals row tourists in on tiny boats with live opera being sung. Tourists can enjoy Monte Solaro to enjoy the astonishing views of the islands and the sea. Another highlight of this place is the highest town, Anacapri.

St. Barts

Image Source: caribjournal.com

This underrated beauty attracts a lot of popular stars and that too for all good reasons. The blonde beaches are something that tourists yearn to see. This beautiful place is undoubtedly the most expensive islands in the Caribbean. Even though one has to shed a good amount of money, but that allows them to experience the lifestyle of the rich and famous.

These islands would surely force you to make your destination list again and make you yearn to visit all of these at least once.