Home Fitness 6 Signs of Glaucoma Not To Ignore

6 Signs of Glaucoma Not To Ignore

Source: express.co.uk

Glaucoma has been an eye disease that has made many people lose their eye sights over time. Glaucoma is a gradually occurring problem that damages the optic nerve and then causes vision loss in many individuals. Open-angle glaucoma is the most common form of glaucoma though closed angle glaucoma also happens but it is rare. There are some ethnicities that have a greater risk of glaucoma than others. People over sixty tend to be more at risk for glaucoma and people with hereditary glaucoma in their family can also get glaucoma at a higher rate. Steroid use, eye injury, nearsightedness, hypertension, and thin central cornea are all factors that may cause glaucoma in countries all over the world. There are different factors that contribute to glaucoma and many times people tend to ignore the early signs of glaucoma. Glaucoma is a disease that slowly grows in the eye and can lead to loss of eyesight. There are plenty of treatments and medications available to treat this disease. Medication, laser treatments, and surgery are ways to treat glaucoma. There are many signs that show that glaucoma is developing in the eye. The following are some of the signs of glaucoma that should not be ignored and treated immediately:

Signs of Glaucoma That Should Not Be Ignored

Blurred Vision

Image by thamuna Onashvili from Pixabay

As the name suggests blurred vision is haziness and loss of sharpness of eyesight which impairs eyesight. Repeated blurred vision is a major sign of glaucoma that needs to be checked immediately with the doctor. Blurred vision is a major sign of glaucoma and also is a start of the process of loss of vision with glaucoma. Cornea also becomes cloudy due to glaucoma which is a sign of the disease.

Nausea and Vomiting

Image Source : madewithoils.com

Acute glaucoma can cause nausea and vomiting. The pain and headaches by glaucoma are then linked to abdominal issues which cause vomiting and nausea. This happens because of glaucoma and increases pressure on the eye which causes pain and as a result of pain, there is nausea and vomiting. Cramping and pain are also symptoms of signs of glaucoma and these signs need to be taken seriously to treat glaucoma.