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5 Things You Should Immediately Give up if you want a Beautiful Relationship


Undue Expectations

Image Source: lovevivahmatrimony.blogspot.com

Everyone knows and understands the fact that expectations are the primary reason for disappointments. You might get your partner a coffee, or take them for a movie but expecting the same from them would not only be wrong but also increase the chances of you getting disappointed. This disappoints would simply lead to anger and frustration, which is the initial point of a fight. Now you wouldn’t want to fight with your partner just because they didn’t act the way you wanted them to. Not expecting much from your partner would simply mean you staying happy. This happiness would also help you to keep doing the favors for your partner without getting disappointed.

Mobile Phones

Image Source: psychologytoday.com

Mobile phones have not only proved to be fatal for life but have also played a major role in ruining even the best relationships. Seeing your partner getting addicted to their phone is probably the last thing you would fancy to experience. Even if you see yourself doing the same to your partner, you can simply choose to spend more time with your partner. This would also help you to get to know each other more. This would simply fulfill your objectives to leave the addiction to mobile phone and also know your partner.

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